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R&A Gospel Acclamation Second Sunday Advent 2018, Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation Second Sunday Advent 2021, Cycle C
Spirit & Psalm Gospel Acclamation Second Sunday of Advent 2021, Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation Fourth Sunday Advent 2021, Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation Feast of the Holy Family 2021, Cycle C
R&A Psalm 2nd Sunday Advent 2018 YEAR C
R&A Psalm Second Sunday of Advent 2018, Psalm 126 Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation First Sunday Advent 2018, Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation 2nd Sunday Time Ordinary 2022, Cycle C
R&A Gospel Acclamation 2nd Sunday Ordinary Time 2019, Cycle C
Gospel Acclamation for the Second Sunday of Advent (Respond and Acclaim)
R&A Gospel Acclamation Immaculate Conception 2018, Cycle C